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ALLTO je podjetje, ki razvija profesionalno BIM programsko opremo in odatke za AEC industrijo, ki so kompaktibilni z ALLPLAN-om. 

Dodatki ALLPLAN PYTHONPARTS vam bodo pomagali opraviti vsakodnevne naloge lažje, hitreje in predvsem z manj napakami.


★ Prilagodite standardom lastnega podjetja
★ Z enostavnim upravljanjem zmanjšujete napake


Naš cilj je pospešiti vse korake pri izvozu risb na podalgi standarda vašega podjetja (od modela, ojačitve do izvoza in postavitve celotnih risb)


ALLTO PythonParts je orodje za pospešitev delovnega toka. Ne spreminjamo vašega delovnega toka.


Dodatki ALLPLAN PYTHONPARTS vam omogočajo da lažje, hitreje in z manj napakami opravljate svoje delo

ALLTO Building PythonParts 

  • Ojačitev zida
  • Zidne odprtine in ojačitev stenskih robov
  • Ojačitev nosilcev
  • Ojačitev stebra
  • Armatura za enojne temelje
  • Armatura za pasovne temelje
  • Zaznava sprememb IFC modela
  • Odprtina plošče
  • Steberni mozniki
  • Storitev postavitve
  • Pretvarjanje iz 2D linij/polilinije v arhitekturnekomponente
  • ALLPLAN varnostne kopije datotek - obnovitev risbe

Our Trusted team

Wall Reinforcement

Automated Add-In For ALLPLAN

WallReinforcement is a feature of our PythonParts in ALLPLAN that lets you create, update and modify reinforcement for wall reinforcement from simple to complicated one in ALLPLAN, even the slope Wall.
It recognizes the shape of the wall panel and distributes the main reinforcement and additional reinforcement for wall openings.

More informations

Beam Reinforcement

Automated Add-In For ALLPLAN

Reinforcement are essential part of a concrete beam. It resists tension forces, increase the compression capacity, enhance ductility and reduce long-term deflections in the concrete. Additionally, reinforcement prevent cracking of concrete due to shear stresses, shrinkage and temperature stresses.

More informations.

Column Reinforcement

Automated Add-In For ALLPLAN

We’ve released ALLPLAN Pythonparts that automate the modeling of reinforcement in opening walls in #ALLPLAN.In this initial release, you can use it to place main rebar, stirrups, and more. See the workflow for reinforcing columns in ALLPLAN.

More informations.

T-Beam Reinforcement

Automated Add-In For ALLPLAN

T-beam (tee beam), used in construction, is a load-bearing structure of reinforced concrete, wood or metal, with a T-shaped cross section. The top of the T-shaped cross section serves as a flange or compression member in resisting compressive stresses.

Sinle Footings Reinforcement

Individual footings are one of the most simple and common types of foundations. These are used when the load of the building is carried by columns. Usually, each column will have its own footing. The footing is just a square or rectangular pad of concrete on which the column sits. Now, engineers can easily get it done by ALLPLAN PythonParts developed by ALLTO

Strip Footings Reinforcement

Strip foundations (or strip footings) are a type of shallow foundation that are used to provide a continuous, level (or sometimes stepped) strip of support to a linear structure such as a wall or closely-spaced rows of columns built centrally above them. ALLTO set up a friendly interface and all you need to do is input the data to create the strip foundation
Detect IFC Model Changes
This python part in Allplan Software detects the geometric differences between two IFC files and merges only the modifications (new, deleted and modified elements) into the currently drawing file (that project can also be an empty one). Modifications can be viewed and managed in both 2D and 3D views.
Wall Edge Reinforcement
The Edge Reinforcement python part is used for detailing walls by connecting two walls to each other in ALLPLAN.
Wall to wall connection – Edge shape included: Joining Collinear Walls; Joining L-shaped Walls; Joining T-shaped Walls; Joining intersect-shaped Walls.
Opening WaLL Reinforcement
Inevitably, openings of various sizes and shapes for doors, windows, conduit, piping, and ductwork will need to be made in structural walls. Correct placement of the rebar helps prevent the concrete around openings from cracking from structural loads or shrinkage.
Quickly Define Rebar for Wall Reinforcement By Excel File
We’ve released ALLPLAN Pythonparts that automate the modeling of reinforcement in opening walls in #ALLPLAN.In this initial release, you can use it to place main rebar, stirrups, and more. See the workflow for reinforcing columns in ALLPLAN.
Allplan Backup Files - Drawing Recovery
Have ever lost a drawing file just because you forgot to save it or you couldn’t save it (due to software crash)? ALLTO has developed Backup files in ALLPLAN help ensure the safety of your drawing data. By saving your work frequently, you can ensure a minimum of lost data.
Converting From 2D Lines/Polylines To Architecture Components
ALLPLAN has been an innovative pioneer in the area of 3D design, from 3D modeling to component-oriented, digital building models as the basis for the BIM design method.  With ALLTO PythonParts, it can be – see how easy it is to convert from 2D lines/polylines to architecture components in just some steps with the right tool.

LearnBIM je interaktivna online platforma, namenjena delujočim v gradbeni industriji, ki so pripravljeni narediti korak proti digitalizaciji poslovanja in zakorakati v svet BIM rešitev. Z inovativnim pristopom učenja LearnBIM boste obvladali orodja najnovejših BIM programskih rešitev in svoje poslovanje usmerili v uspeh.