ALLTO je podjetje, ki razvija profesionalno BIM programsko opremo in odatke za AEC industrijo, ki so kompaktibilni z ALLPLAN-om.
Dodatki ALLPLAN PYTHONPARTS vam bodo pomagali opraviti vsakodnevne naloge lažje, hitreje in predvsem z manj napakami.
Our Trusted team
Wall Reinforcement
Wall Reinforcement
Automated Add-In For ALLPLAN
WallReinforcement is a feature of our PythonParts in ALLPLAN that lets you create, update and modify reinforcement for wall reinforcement from simple to complicated one in ALLPLAN, even the slope Wall.
It recognizes the shape of the wall panel and distributes the main reinforcement and additional reinforcement for wall openings.
Beam Reinforcement
Beam Reinforcement
Automated Add-In For ALLPLAN
Reinforcement are essential part of a concrete beam. It resists tension forces, increase the compression capacity, enhance ductility and reduce long-term deflections in the concrete. Additionally, reinforcement prevent cracking of concrete due to shear stresses, shrinkage and temperature stresses.
Column Reinforcement
Column Reinforcement
Automated Add-In For ALLPLAN
We’ve released ALLPLAN Pythonparts that automate the modeling of reinforcement in opening walls in #ALLPLAN.In this initial release, you can use it to place main rebar, stirrups, and more. See the workflow for reinforcing columns in ALLPLAN.
T-Beam Reinforcement
T-Beam Reinforcement
Automated Add-In For ALLPLAN
T-beam (tee beam), used in construction, is a load-bearing structure of reinforced concrete, wood or metal, with a T-shaped cross section. The top of the T-shaped cross section serves as a flange or compression member in resisting compressive stresses.
Sinle Footings Reinforcement
Sinle Footings Reinforcement
Strip Footings Reinforcement
Strip Footings Reinforcement
Detect IFC Model Changes
Wall Edge Reinforcement
Opening WaLL Reinforcement
Quickly Define Rebar for Wall Reinforcement By Excel File
Allplan Backup Files - Drawing Recovery
Converting From 2D Lines/Polylines To Architecture Components

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